Summary: A collection of poems from a popular Instagram poet.
Rating & Recommendation: 4/5; poetry is very personal, but anyone interested in poems about identity will appreciate these
Review: I won't dive too deep on this, because individual reactions to poetry I think are both hard to convey and hard to justify. I enjoyed these very much, though. I struggle with poetry, especially modern short-form poetry, but I think this is a great gateway collection for someone with an open mind and a high emotional IQ.
Poindexter is the epitome of that - his fanbase sprouted up almost exclusively from Instagram.
“...when i die / bury me among the pages...”
Still, he has a knack for articulating the more subtle things - the colors and sounds and feelings of love, of yearning, of confusion and loss. It's almost impossible to put words to your sense, but he's very earnest, very gentle, very soulful. I can't wait to revisit this, because the wonderful thing about poetry is that it speaks to you differently every time.
I plan on reading this over and over, and having it mean something different every time.